So lately I felt really busy, or just trying to keep myself really busy so that I don't have time to think about the 3 weeks that I have left until Little Boy Pattee joins us. Yesterday Dakota had his last soccer game of the season and had a soccer party in the park afterwards:) He was so happy that he got to take home a trophy and is very proud of it in his room! On a sad note, he fed his fish to much food this week and Sparky & Bandaid went to heaven:( Dakota promised to not touch the food again so I told him we would get him two more fish because Kota & Johnny are a little lonely.
Dakota will start T-ball next week and is really excited for it:) There is not a whole lot of running involved in t-ball so maybe this will be his sport! He seems to hit the crap out of the ball both ways and loves to play in the yard so hopefully he loves practice. We were able to get him on the same team as Kenner so he is excited about that.
Sadi can almost talk as well as Dakota right now. She is for sure our little spit fire and full of energy. She has done great moving into the big girl bed, it is just the process of laying her down to sleep that is a little long so we are working on it:)
Nolan is still really busy with work, which is going really well for him. He just went on a work trip to Phenoix last week, but that should be his last trip now until the Baby comes so that will be nice.
Baby is doing great, I have weekly ultrasounds and weekly stress tests which I have passed with flying colors. He had a nice growth spurt around 31 weeks and they were thinking about letting me go at 38 weeks, but since has slowed down and so have I with growth so they have decided to keep him in until 39 weeks, June 15th!! So Sadi will turn 2 on the 12th and this little guy will join us soon after! And then on the 18th Nolan and I will be celebrating 5 years of marital bliss:) Hard to believe it will already be 5 years.
I am doing great, keeping myself busy with the kids. I feel a bit older now that I drive a mini van but it has been such a nice vehical with the kids that I soon got over that feeling:) But, hope to update soon, Papa Huinker celebrates his 50th Birthday next week on the 27th so be sure to wish his a Happy Birthday!! Take care and talk to ya'll soon:)
Oh yah, hope you enjoyed the pictures, there are more at